Presentation #341.07 in the session AGN and Quasars.
We present a multi-wavelength analysis of 2 candidate Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs) in dwarf galaxies in the Boötes field. Dwarf galaxies are particularly interesting hosts for AGN as they may contain black holes that have not grown significantly since the epoch of their formation in the early Universe. Using data from the Chandra X-ray Observatory we find 3 X-ray luminous dwarf galaxies (of which we identify 2 candidate AGNs) in the Boötes field. We plot a diagnostic BPT diagram and find that they reside in the AGN and star-forming regions. To better understand the nature of the galaxies, we compute the X-ray, [O III], and mid-infrared luminosities. We then compare these in reference to the established relationships in literature. We also generate spectral energy distributions and fit templates to conclude that the observed emission can only come from AGN. We then compute their star formation rates and Hα luminosities to stress their AGN candidacy. Finally, we use various scaling relations to estimate the masses of the black holes and find that they are of the order of 105 - 106 M(solar). Thus, we find that these are strong candidates for intermediate-mass black holes and can help us understand the formation and evolution of BHs.