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Improving Flare Loop Models by Initializing with Retraction Signatures

Presentation #104.03 in the session Flares and Particle Acceleration.

Published onSep 18, 2023
Improving Flare Loop Models by Initializing with Retraction Signatures

Typical flare loop models consider a static loop length to study the dynamics of the loop. This is in contrast to the standard model of flares where the loops retract out of the reconnection region before coming to a stop at the flare arcade. Using a loop retraction model, we derive a set of initial conditions that can be used in static loop models to mimic the effects of the retraction. We also consider which elements of the retracted loop contribute to an accurate reproduction as the simulation evolves. The best outcome in mimicking the retraction result from considering thermal and kinetic energy distributed along the loop in addition to adjusting the mass in the loop. Based on the expected conditions from retraction explored here, initializing simulations with a non-static (i.e. with developed flows along the flare loop) loop is a more appropriate initial condition.

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