Presentation #105.15 in the session Ambient Solar Atmosphere Posters.
I will explain my latest work unpublished at the moment on the relativistic extension of the classic stellar structure equations.In the work, I propose a closed set of differential equations as the basic structure equations for a relativistic hydrostatic equilibrium system with spherical symmetry. Important results of this extension are as follows: (i) The exact form of the steady-state heat conduction equation can be derived with respect to the Newton constant from the relativistic hydrostatic structure equations. (ii) Applying them to an ideal gas of particles with the conserved particle number current, the steady-state heat conduction equation is solved exactly or non-perturbatively in the Newton constant and thermal observables exhibit the power law behavior. (iii) The result (ii) implies that this system can be used as a new model of stellar corona. The new stellar coronal model may conflict with the earlier one obtained by using the traditional non-relativistic stellar structure equations.(iv) Mixing with another ideal gas such as that of non-relativistic particles, one can construct a new stellar model with multilayer structure. The classic stellar structure equations is reproduced in a nontrivial fashion, and multilayer structure of luminous stars is obtained analytically in a realistic approximation.