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The Photospheric Magnetic Imprint of Flare Current Sheets in the Solar Corona

Presentation #106.07 in the session Solar Eruptive Events: Posters.

Published onSep 18, 2023
The Photospheric Magnetic Imprint of Flare Current Sheets in the Solar Corona

The evolution of electric currents systems associated with energized magnetic fields in the solar corona is a major factor in the onset of solar dynamic and transient events. However, the best observations of the magnetic field are in the photosphere below. Recently, Schuck et al. (2022) developed a method (CICCI) to determine the photospheric magnetic imprints due to electric current systems in the corona above, just using photospheric vector magnetic field observations. However, the precise nature of these coronal currents systems cannot be obtained using CICCI alone. We present the HElmholtz Integrator for Simulations Tool (HEIST) which performs the Helmholtz decomposition on a volume of simulation data to calculate the Biot-Savart law and hence the photospheric magnetic imprint due to specific coronal currents. We apply this to simulations of flux emergence through the photosphere from the convection zone and the ensuing eruption of coronal magnetic field and plasma, and look specifically for the imprints of the flare current sheet as it builds up prior to the eruption. We then use this simulation analysis to guide the use of CICCI on photospheric observations.

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