Presentation #108.03 in the session Instrumentation and Data Center Posters.
The Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI) was a highly successful solar X-ray and gamma-ray mission that operated between 2002 and 2018. Full details of the RHESSI archiving project can be found at: The objectives of this effort are a) to ensure that the full mission data set remains readily available online to the science community, b) to update the energy calibration for the entire duration of the science mission, c) to provide additional tools for users to assess RHESSI data quality, and d) to provide additional science data products. The final repository for all RHESSI data will be the Solar Data Analysis Center (SDAC). Here, we describe the RHESSI archiving efforts in detail; we discuss the updated RHESSI calibration, show examples of the various new data products that are being made available, and discuss the practicalities of future access to RHESSI data.