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Visualizations of High-Resolution Photospheric Magnetic Fields as Observed by Hinode/SOT-SP

Presentation #108.12 in the session Instrumentation and Data Center Posters.

Published onSep 18, 2023
Visualizations of High-Resolution Photospheric Magnetic Fields as Observed by Hinode/SOT-SP

The diversity of magnetic flux structures that shape the chromosphere, transition region, and corona is evident from maps of the photospheric vector magnetic field. Such maps reveal a hierarchy of magnetic structures, which range from strong umbral fields of several kilogauss, to filamentary penumbral fields, to plage, to relatively weaker quiet sun. In this poster, we show visualizations of the photospheric magnetic field located in and around active region targets, as determined from the Hinode/SOT Spectro-Polarimeter (SOT-SP). SOT-SP takes high signal-to-noise polarization spectra of the Fe I 6302 Å doublet and nearby continuum using a 16″×160″ slit that is able to scan a region of interest of up to 320″ wide. The three components of the photospheric magnetic field vector can then be determined by applying a spectropolarimetric inversion method. Several such full-field 320″×160″ maps of active regions and their surroundings are shown here. These maps were made using the standard SOT calibration (, Milne-Eddington inversion (MERLIN), and disambiguation (ME0) pipeline software.

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