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IRIS & AIA - Python Usertools and GUIs

Presentation #110.20 in the session Data Analysis Techniques Posters.

Published onSep 18, 2023
IRIS & AIA - Python Usertools and GUIs

Much like the solar wind, heliophysics is slowly expanding into open-source software. The transition from closed-source languages to open-source (whether it be Python, Julia, or others) is an ongoing process. Lockheed Martin Space and Astrophysical Laboratory (LMSAL) is involved with several missions, including the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS), and the upcoming Multi-slit Solar Explorer (MUSE).

“irispy-lmsal” and “aiapy” were created to serve users of IRIS and AIA, respectively. Both are Python libraries that core members of the instrument teams work on to enable data analysis in Python. In addition, both make heavy use of Python libraries that the SunPy Project maintains, mainly “sunpy” and “ndcube”.

Here, I will be detailing the latest updates for both Python libraries, including moving towards a generalized world coordinate system used by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) Python software. In addition, I will provide updates on the CRISPEX-like GUI in Python.

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