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Can we Infer Solar Coronal 3D Magnetic Fields using IQU-only Spectropolarimetry?

Presentation #202.02 in the session Coronal Magnetic Fields and Solar Wind Formation.

Published onSep 18, 2023
Can we Infer Solar Coronal 3D Magnetic Fields using IQU-only Spectropolarimetry?

With the upcoming commission of new generation instrumentation coupled with recent advances in understanding the theoretical aspects of solar coronal polarization, new science interpretation and inversion methods for polarized infrared observations is paramount.Routinely measuring full Stokes polarization of forbidden lines formed in the solar corona is challenging. We propose to separate the problem of inverting coronal vector magnetic fields into two parts: i. Utilizing Stokes IQU observations to disentangling the magnetic field orientation via the newly developed CLEDB inversion code; ii. Estimating the magnetic field strength via magnetically-induced Doppler plasma oscillations. Thus, the vector magnetic field can be inferred without the formal need of including Stokes V circular polarization observations. We present such a method for inferring the geometrical, thermal and vector magnetic information of coronal features, that can be applied to CoMP, uCoMP, DKIST Cryo-NIRSP, DL-NIRSP and others, by using infrared observations of intensity and linear polarization only, of at least two coronal M1 emission lines, like the Fe XIII 1074.68 nm and 1079.79 nm pair.

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