Presentation #207.02 in the session Coronal Spectroscopy: New Results and Future Instruments.
Nanoflares are thought to be one of the prime candidates that can keep the solar corona to its multimillion kelvin temperature. Individual nanoflares are difficult to detect with the present generation instruments, however their presence can be inferred by comparing the nanoflare heated simulated plasma emissions with the observed emission. Here, we present a simulation of emission from an X-ray Bright Point (XBP) that was observed by the Marshall Grazing Incidence X-ray Spectrometer (MaGIXS), along with concurrent observations from SDO/AIA and Hinode/XRT. We use EBTEL hydrodynamic code to simulate the XBP loops. Length and magnetic field strength of these loops are derived from the potential field extrapolation of the observed photospheric magnetogram by HMI/SDO. Each loop is assumed to be heated by random nanoflares, whose magnitude and frequency are determined by the loop length and magnetic field strength. The simulated outputs are used to predict the intensity of spectrally pure map of Fe-18, Fe-17, Ne-9, O-8, O-9, Ne-9 etc, which are then compared with the derived intensity from MaGIXS observation. Further we have predicted the intensity map as observed by AIA and XRT and compared them with the observation. We also estimated the temperature distribution of the XBP from the simulation and found a good agreement with the derived distribution from MaGIXS observation.