Presentation #302.06 in the session From the Photosphere to the Corona, Solar Eruptive Events.
The EUV corona is highly structured and dynamic out to ~3 Rs, but observations in this region are limited. To fill this gap, we introduce The EUV CME and Coronal Connectivity Observatory (ECCCO). ECCCO consists of two instruments: an imager that views the Sun out to 3 Rs and a spectrograph that produces spectrally pure, overlapped images of the Sun (overlappograms). Both instruments will have two channels, a long channel ranging from 171 — 205 Å to capture plasma in the 1-2.5 MK range, and a short channel ranging from 125 — 148 Å to capture hot plasma in the 8-12 MK range. The science goals of ECCCO are two-fold: 1. To understand the genesis and evolution of coronal energy storage and the solar wind, and 2. To understand the symbiotic relationship between eruptive solar events and large scale coronal structure.