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Demographic Results from the TESS Grand Unified Hot Jupiter Survey

Presentation #102.01 in the session Transiting Planets and TTVs.

Published onApr 03, 2024
Demographic Results from the TESS Grand Unified Hot Jupiter Survey

Almost thirty years after hot Jupiters (HJs) were first discovered, their origins remain unclear. One major challenge to our understanding of HJ formation is our limited knowledge of their demographics, as the hundreds of HJs now known were discovered by a variety of surveys with heterogeneous selection functions. As an all-sky transit search, TESS presents the opportunity to unify this past work with new discoveries to construct a homogeneous sample of HJs. Over the past three years, we have been conducting an extensive campaign to follow up > 200 HJ candidates from TESS, confirming ~100 new planets. Together with past discoveries and other new TESS planets, we have assembled a complete, magnitude-limited sample of 400 hot Jupiters orbiting FGK stars brighter than G ≤ 12.5 mag. I will present the first demographic results to emerge from our survey, including a > 4σ detection of the pile-up in the occurrence rate at 4-5 days orbital period, and the most precise measurement of the planet occurrence-stellar metallicity correlation. These and other statistical results are consistent with a high-eccentricity formation pathway for the majority of HJs.

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