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Radial Velocity Characterization of the TOI-1883 Planetary System

Presentation #601.12 in the session Planet Detection - Radial Velocities.

Published onApr 03, 2024
Radial Velocity Characterization of the TOI-1883 Planetary System

The Kepler space telescope and the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) have discovered numerous transiting exoplanets, unveiling their diverse distributions. Among these discoveries, one notable finding is the identification of a region known as the “Hot Neptune Desert,” where the occurrence rate of Neptune-sized planets with orbital periods around 2 to 4 days is extremely low.This area is thought to have formed by two main phenomena: intense irradiation from the star causing the photo-evaporation of planetary atmospheres, and the tidal effects leading to significant eccentric migration of the planet. However, recent observations have begun to reveal the presence of planets within the “Hot Neptune Desert,” including TOI-1883 b, a super-Neptune (a planet with a radius of 4 to 8 Earth radii) that orbits an M-type star in a short period. This study aimed to determine the mass of TOI-1883 b using the Subaru Telescope’s InfraRed Doppler instrument (IRD) via radial velocity observations. As a result, we found that this planetary system may contain at least two planets: the inner transit planet b, with a mass of nearly Neptune, and an outer planet candidate c with a mass of a half of Saturn. However, the true mass of the planet candidate c remains ambiguous since no transit was detected and thus the orbital inclination is uncertain. In our poster, we will explain detailed radial velocity analysis, followed by a discussion on the uniqueness of TOI-1883 planetary system by comparing it with other multi-planetary systems.

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