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Towards comprehensive characterization of benchmark brown dwarfs

Presentation #603.09 in the session Planet Detection - Imaging.

Published onApr 03, 2024
Towards comprehensive characterization of benchmark brown dwarfs

Understanding the formation and atmospheric properties of giant planets and brown dwarfs is a major goal of modern astrophysics. Measurements of companion brightness, atmospheric parameters, and dynamical environments require direct observations. High-contrast imaging has revealed a precious small sample of benchmark brown dwarfs that are ideal for comprehensive characterization of such properties. We present a sample of brown dwarfs that span spectral types, with known ages and dynamical masses that make them key laboratories to study atmospheric and evolutionary models. We combine near-infrared spectra from both VLT/SPHERE and VLTI/GRAVITY, along with radial velocities, and precise astrometry which increases the orbital parameter precision as well as providing additional constraints upon atmospheric properties. The comprehensive characterization of these objects enable us to test models of the formation, evolution and atmospheric properties of giant planets and brown dwarfs.

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