Presentation #623.01 in the session Debris Disk Observations and Modeling.
The Gemini Planet Imager (GPI) has excelled in imaging debris disks in the near-infrared. The GPI Exoplanet Survey (GPIES) imaged twenty-four debris disks in polarized H-band light, while other programs observed half of these disks in polarized J- and/or K1-bands. Using these data, we present a uniform analysis of the morphology of each disk to find asymmetries suggestive of perturbations, particularly those due to planet-disk interactions. The multi-wavelength surface brightness, the disk color and geometry permit identification of any asymmetries such as warps or disk offsets from the central star. We find that nineteen of the disks in this sample exhibit asymmetries in surface brightness, disk color, disk geometry, or a combination of the three. For this sample, perturbations, as seen in scattered light, are common. We explore correlations among stellar temperatures, ages, and observed perturbations.