Presentation #623.06 in the session Debris Disk Observations and Modeling.
Planet formation processes and late-stage evolution, just before planetary systems stabilize, directly influence the structure of a star’s debris disk. Debris disk observations show they can be asymmetric, wide or narrow, eccentric, or full of gaps. The M star AU Micriscopii debris disk has a series of large-scale structures that move away from the star at high velocities above the midplane and on the left side. More recent observations revealed a few more structures on the right side of the disk, localized below the midplane and moving toward the star. I will present a suite of REBOUND N-body simulations with various initial conditions to investigate the interaction between an inclined, eccentric planet and an external debris disk. We find that the dynamical interactions between the planet and disk are in agreement with the impulse approximation. The validity of this agreement depends on the inclination and eccentricity of the planet and the distance between planet and the inner disk. Our simulations include stellar wind forces that produce a variety of dust particle velocities. I will present preliminary results, showing similar asymmetric structure to the AU Mic debris disk due to a variety of initial parameters such as: planet semi major axis, planet inclination, planet eccentricity, debris disk inner edge distance, star mass, and more. We compare with AU Mic observations and find that our simulations produce qualitatively similar structures that may point toward an observational diagnostic for the dynamics of young solar systems.