Presentation #624.01 in the session Planetary Atmospheres - Hot Jupiters.
In this presentation, we will explore the high climate diversity of hot Jupiters. Generally, important tools to investigate the atmospheres of exoplanets are Global circulation models (GCMs). Different GCMs evolve various sets of dynamical equations, which can result in obtaining different atmospheric properties between models. We will discover the various results from GCM simulations covering a wide range in a parameter grid. The parameter grid stretches over a large fraction of exoplanetary population. To simulate the parameter grid efficiently, the study used the GCM THOR. We will compare the 2 different dynamical equation sets available in THOR. The variations in these equations sets leads to substantial differences in climate states with the same parametrisation. In this comparison, we will learn about the very diverse climate states of hot Jupiters. We will see that exceptions to prograde superrotation can often occur. The different evolution of climate states arises just due to different approximations of Navier-Stokes equations. Overall, we will explore the divergent behaviour of approximations used in GCMs for Earth, but applied for non Earth-like planets.