Presentation #624.23 in the session Planetary Atmospheres - Hot Jupiters.
We are now at the precipice of characterizing the three-dimensional atmospheric dynamics of eccentric hot-Jupiters using JWST. TOI-150b is an eccentric hot Jupiter (e = 0.26) that varies in equilibrium temperature between the hot and ultra hot regimes (Teq approximately 1300-3800 K) depending on its location in its orbit. As a result, there are a variety of predicted atmospheric differences that arise over the course of the orbit such as changes in strength and size of the equatorial superrotating jet, varying day-night temperature contrasts, and changes in magnetic effect strengths. In this work, we study the active magnetic drag effects that will vary in strength as the local temperature is affected by the changing incoming stellar flux and their impact on the resulting three-dimensional atmospheric circulation. To do so, we use the RM GCM and the Active Magnetic Drag Prescription first seen in hot Jupiters in Rauscher and Menou (2013) and in ultra-hot Jupiters in Beltz et al. (2022). We parametrize the active magnetic drag as a Rayleigh drag which takes into account local temperature and magnetic resistivity allowing for a range of over 10 orders of magnitude from day to night at a single pressure level. We compare magnetic and non-magnetic models to understand the role magnetism has to play on wind and temperature structure for eccentric planets. We post-process GCMs to simulate JWST phase curves for both magnetized and non-magnetized cases and determine whether the presence of magnetic fields can be inferred for eccentric hot-Jupiters. This work will allow us to further understand the atmospheres of planets at the hot-ultra hot Jupiter boundary.