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Development of the MuSCAT series and their latest scientific results

Presentation #628.13 in the session Future Missions and Instrumentation.

Published onApr 03, 2024
Development of the MuSCAT series and their latest scientific results

MuSCAT series are 3- or 4-color simultaneous cameras customized for four 1-2m class telescopes in the world. The first one, MuSCAT, was developed for the 188cm telescope operated by National Astronomical Observatory of Japan in Okayama, Japan, and the first-light commissioning was done in December 2014. The second one, MuSCAT2, was installed on the 1.52m Telescopio Carlos Sánchez operated by Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias in the Teide Observatory, Canaries, Spain, and the first-light commissioning was done in August 2017. MuSCAT3 and MuSCAT4 are twin instruments installed on the the 2m Faulkes Telescope North and South operated by Las Cumbres Observatory and located in Haleakala Observatory and Siding Spring Observatory. MuSCAT3 and MuSCAT4 achieved the first-light commissioning in September 2020 and October 2023. The primary purpose of the MuSCAT series is to observe planetary transits in multi-color, providing capabilities for validating new transiting planets, improving future transit ephemerides, monitoring transit timing variations, and characterizing atmospheres of transiting planets. We report the specifications, capabilities, and performances of the MuSCAT series including latest scientific results produced by the MuSCAT series.

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