Presentation #102.06 in the session AGN Posters.
Stripe 82X is a wide area (~31 deg2) X-ray survey in the legacy Sloan Digital Sky Survey Stripe 82 field which boasts rich multi-wavelength coverage. In this updated catalog release, we combine past catalogs of X-ray sources and multi-wavelength counterparts with photometric redshifts into one user-friendly catalog. We report 315 new spectroscopic redshifts and classifications from ground-based observing campaigns with Palomar and Keck, which when combined with existing spectroscopic redshifts makes Stripe 82X 56% spectroscopically complete. We define a subset of the survey with homogeneous X-ray coverage at a bright optical flux limit (r < 22, AB) where the survey is 90% complete and comment on the obscured AGN demographics in this parameter space. We calculate black hole masses for 1396 Type 1 AGN that have SDSS spectra using virial mass relations from the broad Hβ, MgII, Hα, or CIV emission lines. Similar to past studies, AGN with the highest Eddington ratios are more luminous, supportive of the picture that most black hole growth occurs in a luminous AGN phase.