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Changing-look AGN 1ES~1927+654: The Onset of radio-loudness and pc-scale resolved components

Presentation #102.25 in the session AGN Posters.

Published onMay 03, 2024
Changing-look AGN 1ES~1927+654: The Onset of radio-loudness and pc-scale resolved components

The formerly type-II radio-quiet AGN 1ES~1927+654 is widely considered one of the most unusual and extreme CL-AGN yet discovered, exhibiting an extreme 4 magnitude flare in the optical in late 2017 concurrent with the first-ever appearance of broad emission lines. Multi-wavelength monitoring since the event has shown strong variability in the soft X-rays corresponding to the twice-repeated destruction and reappearance of the X-ray corona. Ongoing X-ray monitoring now shows that the soft X-ray flux is again rising while VLBA observations since April 2023 show an unprecedented 50x increase in the VLBA radio flux, making the source officially radio-loud for the first time. This observation triggered perhaps the most intense radio-wavelength campaign on a changing-look AGN to date, including data from the VLBA, EVN, VLA, e-Merlin, and AMI. VLBI imaging now shows resolved pc-scale emission which may be related to a new jet or outflow. We will present the latest observations of this extreme source, which probe the enigmatic connection between the sub-pc scale compact radio emission and the origin of the X-ray corona in AGN. (See poster submission # 330 for more details of the optical/UV and x-ray monitoring of this source.)

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