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Presenting XMaS: the X-ray Maps Simulator

Presentation #103.05 in the session Galaxy Clusters/Large Scale Structures - Poster Session.

Published onMay 03, 2024
Presenting XMaS: the X-ray Maps Simulator

We routinely observe X-rays coming from both point sources and extended sources at any scale, from the Solar System to cosmological distances. Except for galaxy clusters and AGN, the expected cosmological contribution to the X-rays from the Large-Scale Structure of the Universe has proven to be very dim and is overshined by the local contribution from within the Milky Way and its neighborhood. XMaS (X-ray Map Simulator) is designed to simulate the X-ray emission from the Large-Scale Structure based on the output of cosmological simulations, generating both maps and spectroscopy observations in sample fields of view. The goal is to support our understanding of current X-ray observations and to help design and interpret future observations. I present the XMaS project at the end of the pilot stage. The code is designed with the goal to adopt the output of any cosmological simulation (currently tested with the TNG300) and create the expected emission from randomly generated fields of view. The code has freedom of choice for the input model (from the cosmological simulation or ad hoc prescription) and for the emission model (adding to the thermal model for a plasm a in collisional ionization equilibrium). I also show the imaging and spectroscopy capabilities of XMaS, and discuss the most significant physical results after the pilot stage. The ultimate goal of the XMaS project is to generate and compare a large set of X-ray emission simulations based on a set of parameters that include(running on several large scale cosmological simulations, testing different metallicity prescriptions, and using different X-ray emission models.

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