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Atomic data in the XRISM era: Fe L shell transitions in the plasma codes XSTAR and SPEX

Presentation #103.09 in the session Galaxy Clusters/Large Scale Structures - Poster Session.

Published onMay 03, 2024
Atomic data in the XRISM era: Fe L shell transitions in the plasma codes XSTAR and SPEX

With the launch of the XRISM mission we can expect an influx of high-resolution X-ray spectra which have superior signal-to-noise compared with previous spectra. These require plasma modeling software for quantitative analysis. The Hitomi spectrum of the Perseus cluster demonstrated that, at the resolution expected with XRISM, different plasma models can lead to markedly different scientific results. One potential source of this discrepancy is the basic atomic data fed into these models. This work investigates the differences between the XSTAR and SPEX collisional excitation and radiative decay data for iron and its effect on the spectra of optically thin, low-density plasmas generated with XSTAR. We look at which data collection is more complete, whether there are significant differences between the two databases for transitions which overlap, and whether there is a systematic difference in the atomic rates. We also simulate XRISM Performance Verification (PV) targets in XSTAR with both databases to determine the effect of the atomic data on the science results of the XRISM PV phase and analysis of micro-calorimeter X-ray spectra more broadly.

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