Presentation #106.06 in the session Multi-Messenger Astrophysics - Poster Session.
The IceCube Neutrino Observatory views the full sky all the time and is therefore well suited for follow up of transients including gravitational wave sources. IceCube follows up every gravitational wave transient identified by LIGO/Virgo/KAGRA (LVK). In addition to mergers involving at least one neutron star, binary black hole mergers may be sources of both electromagnetic and neutrino radiation, for example if they occur within the dense accretion disk of a supermassive black hole. Detection of both gravitational wave and neutrino signals from a single source would provide unique insights into the physics of the source as well as new information about the populations of both neutrino and gravitational wave emitters. Moreover, neutrinos are typically localized to a sky area hundreds of times smaller than gravitational waves. Rapid publication of neutrino – gravitational wave coincidences therefore enables observers to quickly follow up the smaller area indicated by the neutrino localization before the signal fades. During observing run O3, we achieved mean total latency (from merger time until coincident neutrino publication) less than one hour. During run O4, we have achieved even lower latency with automatic publication of notices. I will present the ongoing program to follow up LVK sources in real time with IceCube and summarize results from searches performed to date.