Presentation #107.07 in the session Stellar/Compact Objects - Poster Session.
We present our analysis of MAXI J1813-095 during its failed-transition outburst in 2018. This self-consistent analysis has been done using NICER, Swift, Chandra, and NuSTAR throughout seven observations of MAXI J1813-095. This analysis shows a relativistic iron line at ∼ 6.5 keV from the inner region of the accretion disc. Our results on the low values of R, suggests an slightly truncated disk or non-truncated at a few percent of the Eddington luminosity. Our best-fit self-consistent reflection model indicate that the geometry of MAXI J1813-095 remains constant along the 7 observations. The spectral variability of MAXI J1813-095 from multi-epoch observations is dominated by the variable photon index of the Comptonisation emission.