Presentation #107.09 in the session Stellar/Compact Objects - Poster Session.
4U 1822-37 is a Low mass X-ray binary (LMXB) with an accretion disk corona with a neutron star orbiting a low mass star. Although being a LMXB, there have been debates about a cyclotron line around 30 keV implying a magnetic field of ~2X1012G. To explore this further, we observed the source with NuSTAR for a long ~100 ks exposure. We fit the NuSTAR spectrum with a power law and different exponential cut-off energy model, which resulted in a dip around 30 keV where the cyclotron line was claimed to be seen in literature. However, the X-ray spectrum can be better described with reflection models which account for coronal emission and reflection of a power-law from an illuminated accretion disk along with soft thermal emission, i.e., TBabs(nthComp + xillverNS + relxillNS). We also performed timing analysis of NuSTAR lightcurves and find a very low pulse fraction as expected for scattered X-rays from corona. Given that the low energy component is crucial for reflection spectroscopy, we are currently analyzing archival NICER data with similar reflection models to get a better understanding of the X-ray emission from this system.