Presentation #107.35 in the session Stellar/Compact Objects - Poster Session.
Millisecond pulsars, characterized by short pulse and orbital periods, are believed to have descended from Low Mass X-ray binaries. Some of these pulsars emit gamma-rays and have been detected by Fermi-LAT. These gamma-rays likely originate from the Intra-Binary shock (IBS) between the pulsar and its companion’s winds or during the transition between accretion-powered and rotationally-powered states. We present results from a multi-wavelength campaign using the Fermi-LAT, Chandra and radio observations using ATCA of the candidate redback 4FGL 1702.7-5655. Through Chandra observations, we confirmed the X-ray counterpart and analyzed its X-ray spectrum. Long-term Fermi-LAT observations revealed significant changes in the orbital modulation of the source, particularly in the narrow eclipses, likely related to variations in the IBS within the system.