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Chandra high resolution spectra of Nova Sco 2023 (V1716 Sco)

Presentation #107.61 in the session Stellar/Compact Objects - Poster Session.

Published onMay 03, 2024
Chandra high resolution spectra of Nova Sco 2023 (V1716 Sco)

Nova Sco 2023 (V1716 Sco) was observed at optical maximum on 2023 April 20, and it was spectroscopically classified as a classical nova. On the following day, it was detected in gamma-rays above 100 MeV with Fermi, and X-ray monitoring was initiated with Swift and NICER. The nova became a supersoft X-ray source two months after optical maximum, and although the distance determination is uncertain, it was not sufficiently luminous to assume that the central hydrogen burning white dwarf was fully visible. The X-ray luminosity increased slowly, by about 40%, until the end of 2023 October. Chandra Low Energy Transmission Energy (LETG) exposures with the HRC-S camera were done on 2023 August 25 and 26 and on 2023 October 20, 21 and 22, revealing a highly absorbed spectrum that is rather different from may other novae X-ray spectra. It is likely due to a highly absorbed white dwarf atmospheric continuum, probably eroded by absorption features and edges in the circumstellar material, and with superimposed emission features (likely of the ejecta). We will discuss the characteristics of this peculiar nova in detail. Timing analysis of the Chandra data revealed a 67 s period revealed by other authors with NICER, but with lower confidence than in the NICER data.

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