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the first eROSITA All-Sky Survey: Identification and characterization of the counterparts to the AGN in eRASS:1

Presentation #202.04 in the session AGN I.

Published onMay 03, 2024
the first eROSITA All-Sky Survey: Identification and characterization of the counterparts to the AGN in eRASS:1

Galaxy evolution can only be understood if their AGN phases are accounted for. For that, a complete and pure census of AGN is needed. Hunting for AGN in X-ray is the most obvious way to go, given the low emission from galaxies at this frequency. In the last 20 years, XMM and Chandra have provided us mostly with pencil-beam surveys, thus sampling the faint and high-redshift regime. Finally, with eROSITA, we can also sample the rare (local and z>5.5) and faint Universe. The first eROSITA Data Release is planned for the beginning of 2024 and includes in the area covered by Legacy Survey DR10 about 800k point sources, 750k of which are AGN. In my talk, I will review the multiwavelength associations, and the properties (including redshifts) of the first eROSITA AGN sample, also in comparison with AGN selected from other surveys.

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