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The COSI Mission Overview

Presentation #406.03 in the session Exploring the MeV Gamma-ray Sky: The Past, Present, and Future.

Published onMay 03, 2024
The COSI Mission Overview

The Compton Spectrometer and Imager (COSI) is a NASA Small Explorer (SMEX) satellite mission in development with a planned launch into low-Earth orbit in 2027. COSI is a wide-field gamma-ray telescope designed to survey the entire sky at 0.2-5 MeV. It provides imaging, spectroscopy, and polarimetry of astrophysical sources, and its germanium detectors provide excellent energy resolution for emission line measurements, including the positron annihilation line at 0.511 MeV and nuclear lines. The instantaneous field of view for the germanium detectors is >25% of the sky, and they are surrounded on the sides and bottom by active shields, providing background rejection as well as allowing for detection of gamma-ray bursts and other gamma-ray transients over most of the sky. This presentation will include an overview of the COSI mission and the project status.

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