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Predictions and limitations of population synthesis algorithms

Presentation #407.01 in the session Illuminating the Formation Channels of Compact Binary with Gravitational Waves.

Published onMay 03, 2024
Predictions and limitations of population synthesis algorithms

The promise of unveiling the origins of merging double compact object populations is deeply connected to simulations of their progenitor formation and evolution as realized by population synthesis algorithms. Indeed, in the era where proposed formation environments and evolutionary channels have only recently been surpassed by the number of detections, the ability to compare theoretical models to data using synthetic populations is of critical importance to make headway on data-driven model constraints. In this talk, I’ll review key uncertainties that enter into predictions from population synthesis as well as current limitations of population synthesis techniques. Finally, I’ll present important insights gained through population synthesis studies and give a roadmap for areas where exciting developments are under way.

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