Presentation #502.01 in the session Stellar/Compact IV.
Different scenarios for the evolution of Type Ia supernova (SN) progenitors make radically different predictions about the pre-explosion mass loss, resulting in a wide array of possible structures for the circumstellar material. Hundreds of years after the SN explodes, this circumstellar material leaves a strong imprint on the bulk dynamics (radius, velocity, and ionization timescale) of X-ray bright supernova remnants (SNRs). I will present results from an ongoing effort to explore the parameter space of circumstellar interaction in Type Ia SNe using an extensive grid of SNR models and synthetic X-ray spectra. Among the scenarios explored in our grid are isotropic winds of varying speeds and mass loss rates, ejected mass shells from nova explosions, bipolar cocoons from common envelope episodes, and low-density cavities of various sizes. I will focus on what areas of this large parameter space are ruled out by current X-ray observations of SNRs, and I will comment on what new insights the eagerly awaited XRISM data might reveal about the properties of Type Ia Supernova progenitors.