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Current and Future Transient Follow-Up and Spectroscopic Capabilities with CHFT/MSE.

Presentation #104.03 in the session Transients and Time-Domain Astronomy.

Published onJun 19, 2024
Current and Future Transient Follow-Up and Spectroscopic Capabilities with CHFT/MSE.

We present the plans and capabilities using the current 3.6-m Canada-France-Hawai’i Telescope (CFHT) and future 11+-m Maunakea Spectroscopic Explorer (MSE) for transient follow-up for the next couple decades, including new spectroscopy instrumentation. For the near term, we will make CHFT AEON-compatible to allow follow-up with the current suite of instrumentation including imaging (MEGACAM & WIRCAM) and high-resolution spectroscopy (ESPaDOnS & SPIRou) to begin the Rubin/LSST and multi-messenger era. The next phase will include commissioning of CFHT/VISION and the CHFT/IFU before the end of 2028. The CHFT/IFU will provide spatially-resolved 1-acrsecond resolution (20’+ FOV) spectroscopy at R ~ 4000 using a DESI-like spectrograph covering 3600-9800 Angstroms. CHFT/VISION will enable ESPaDOnS, SPIRou, and the CFHT/IFU to be all accessible in the same focal plane, available 50-75% of the CFHT telescope time, enabling quick changes for transient follow-up needs. Finally, the upgrade to MSE will be a 10+-m telescope with a 1.5-2.0 square degree field-of-view, which will have over 14,000+ fibers feeding low/moderate resolution (R=3,000/7,000; 0.36-1.7 micron) spectrographs and 3000+ fibers feeding high-resolution (R=30,000+; windows) spectrographs. The MSE large FOV and high fiber density will enable many science cases, including in-field (e.g., S/N follow-up) and full field (e.g., LIGO multi-messenger source identification) transient follow-up capabilities.

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