Presentation #110.07 in the session Gravitational Waves and Multi-messenger Astronomy.
Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) are a likely candidate for the acceleration of high energy cosmic rays and the associated production of neutrinos and γ rays. IceCube has identified two γ-ray bright AGN (NGC 1068 and TXS 0506+056) as the first known high energy neutrino sources. Theoretical models of AGN suggest several possibilities for the connection between γ rays and neutrinos. Previous searches for neutrinos from γ-ray bright AGN have set limits on the aggregate neutrino flux from γ-ray bright AGN, however significant improvements in both IceCube’s statistical methods and the completeness of the Fermi catalogs have since occurred that may now enable the discovery of a high energy neutrino flux originating from γ-ray bright AGN. I will discuss an analysis searching for IceCube neutrinos correlated with the 4LAC-DR3 catalog.