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NASA SHIELD Drive Science Center: Strategic Programs to Support Inclusion of New Members in the Outer Heliosphere Community

Presentation #122.03 in the session History, Community & Profession.

Published onJun 19, 2024
NASA SHIELD Drive Science Center: Strategic Programs to Support Inclusion of New Members in the Outer Heliosphere Community

The Solar wind with Hydrogen Ion charge Exchange and Large-Scale Dynamics (SHIELD) DRIVE Science Center has the science goal to understand the nature and structure of the heliosphere. In addition, the multi-institution center has taken on the task of changing the face of heliophysics, particularly the community that studies the outer heliosphere, to include younger and more diverse scientists. We highlight our strategic programs that have the overall goal of supporting new members to join the community and feel a sense of belonging and inclusion. SHIELD Webinars highlight leaders in space physics who share their personal and professional journeys to success, highlighting overcoming systematic barriers and challenges and providing advice to younger generations. Recent webinars have included an LGBTQ+ panel and a discussion of raising awareness of mental health in the field. Each month the center hosts virtual coffee chats for graduate students and post docs to discuss issues related to being an early career scientist such as working with mentors and negotiating salaries in future jobs. We regularly share team profiles of SHIELD scientists from directors to graduate students to highlight the diversity of individuals engaged in the overall effort and showcase their lives beyond science. In addition, we solicit and support the creation of community driven Testimonials with the theme “You can’t be What you Can’t See” highlighting diverse individuals in space physics. This summer, we are supporting up to 5 undergraduate students to participate in a summer research experience at one of our partner institutions as part of the distributed SHIELD DRIVE Science Center REU experience. The partner REU programs each emphasize diversity in their recruitment strategies. In addition to funding, we provide optional support for content and logistical concerns and ways to connect students to SHIELD. This summer we are also hosting nearly 20 early career researchers at the SHIELD Summer School in Boston which introduces participants to physical processes in the outer heliosphere. Through all of our programs, we emphasize inclusion and ongoing support. Learn more at

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