Presentation #226.01 in the session Plenary Lecture: Leveraging AI to Transform the Astronomy Data Revolution into a Discovery Revolution (Cecilia Garraffo, Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian).
With astronomy facing an influx of petabytes of data from next generation telescopes, the limitations of traditional analytical methods are becoming more evident and urgent. Artificial Intelligence (AI) presents a pivotal opportunity to not only address these limitations, but to transform this data revolution into a discovery revolution.
However, astronomy poses challenges to the current generation of AI methods, which are primarily adapted to different types of datasets and goals. Specific challenges include: (1) the complex nature of astronomical data—heteroscedastic, multivariate, sporadically sampled, and unannotated; (2) the task of extracting meaningful physical insights from this data.
In this talk, I will discuss the need for developing AI specifically for astronomy and explore the perspectives, challenges, and opportunities ahead. Emphasizing the importance of community readiness, I will highlight the collaborative and interdisciplinary efforts required to develop AI tools tailored to astronomical research.