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A Diary of Eclipse Outreach Activities for 2023-24: How Two Educators Tried to Maximize Their Reach

A chronicle of educational and public outreach as part of a major project to disseminate eclipse information.

Published onDec 18, 2024
A Diary of Eclipse Outreach Activities for 2023-24: How Two Educators Tried to Maximize Their Reach


As part of a larger outreach grant from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation to the Space Science Institute, the two authors listed above committed to doing eclipse outreach -- nationally and locally --  for two different purposes: 1) to get the word out to educators at many levels and in many settings about eclipse science, safe viewing, and eclipse education resources created under the grant; and 2) to do public outreach about the eclipses in our two regions, the Seattle metropolitan area (Schatz) and the San Francisco Bay Area (Fraknoi).  The latter is where the Foundation is headquartered.   Here we list the publications, outreach workshops, and public talks we managed to do as part of this project.

1. Introduction

As explained in a separate paper in this issue, we obtained a major grant from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation for eclipse outreach to libraries and educators for the 2023-24 eclipses. The grant was to the Space Science Institute, and we were senior consultants on the project. We were given outreach assignments to reach educators nationally and the public in our local regions (the Seattle area for Schatz, and the San Francisco Bay Area for Fraknoi.)

Our prior work on astronomy and science outreach made us a good fit for the role of doing eclipse outreach. Schatz was one of the principal creators and trainers for the national Portals to the Public project, which trains scientists to volunteer effectively in science museums and other informal science education institutions (Institute for Learning Innovation 2018). Fraknoi served for 14 years as the Executive Director of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, an international organization for which astronomy outreach is a key mission.

Together, the two present authors created Project ASTRO, a national project to train amateur and professional astronomers to work with teachers in grades 3-9, and Family ASTRO, to develop fun astronomy materials for families to do together (Fraknoi & Lalor 2000) They were also leaders of the AAS/ASP Astronomy Ambassadors program, which trained 250 early-career astronomers to be more effective at doing outreach (Fraknoi et al., 2014)

Drawing on the experience and contacts gained through this earlier work, we set out in 2023 and 2024 to do as much eclipse training and outreach as we could manage. This paper is a record of what we were able to do in written and oral form. Between us, we did 93 presentations, to educators, civic organizations, and the public at large. We also wrote 22 articles and booklets about the eclipses, safe viewing, and ways to reach interested audiences.

Our hope is that by providing a full list of these outreach efforts (with links, whenever possible), we might inspire those doing outreach for a future eclipse to do something similar.

2. Articles

Fraknoi, A., et al 2014, “Training Young Astronomers in EPO: An Update on the AAS Astronomy Ambassadors Program” (with R. Fienberg, et al.) in Manning, J., et al., eds. Ensuring STEM Literacy: A Nat’l Conference on STEM Education & Public Outreach. Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, Vol. 483, p. 415.

Fraknoi, A. & Lalor, S. 2000, “Project ASTRO: How to Survive a Visit to a 6th Grade Classroom and Come Back for More” in Percy, J. & Wilson, J., eds. Amateur-Professional Partnerships in Astronomy. A.S.P. Conference Series, vol. 220, p. 260.

Institute for Learning Innovation 2018, Portal to the Public website:

3. Joint Presentations by Dennis Schatz and Andrew Fraknoi


Oct. 20, 2022: National Webinar for NSTA (National Science Teaching Association): “Science Update: Getting Ready for Two Spectacular Solar Eclipses in North America,” recorded at:


Apr. 27, 2023: National webinar for NSTA/ASTE on engaging with the eclipses and observing them safely recorded at:

May 4, 2023: National webinar for NSTA Eclipse Partners introducing the eclipses and the program.

Jun. 10, 2023: Talk on partnerships for eclipse outreach to the American Astronomical Society Eclipse Workshop in Albuquerque, NM, (200+ attendees from around the country):

Jun. 22, 2023: Led national webinar from NSTA Eclipse Partners on whom to help and whom to ask for help in eclipse outreach. Recorded at:

Jul. 13, 2023: Training webinar for “eclipse experts” to help libraries in the SEAL project. Recorded and available at

Jul. 27, 2023: Training webinar for the NSTA eclipse partners (science teachers) on activities to do with libraries and community groups and talking with school administrators about eclipses. Recorded at:

Aug. 17, 2023: Training webinar for the NSTA eclipse partners (science teachers) on eclipse science, space weather and eclipse history. Recorded at:

Aug. 31, 2023: Talk to the National Science Teaching Association: “Science Update: An Eclipse 'Double Header' is Coming This School Year!” (600 people registered)

Sep. 7, 2023: Zoom talk on understanding and viewing the eclipses to staff at the many branches of the Smithsonian Institution, through the Smithsonian Science Education Center; recorded for both staff and Smithsonian patrons to watch.

Sep. 12, 2923: Zoom “Eclipse Experts” Webinar: How Can We Support Libraries Most Effectively During the Upcoming Eclipses?” for Space Science Inst. Available at:

Sep. 13, 2023: Zoom talk to the National Science Education Leadership Association on the eclipses and how to view and explain them (200 leaders registered). Recording is here (nonmembers must pay to watch):

Sep. 14, 2023: NSTA webinar Solar Eclipse Partners - Safe Solar Viewing Techniques and Working with School or District Administrators

Sep. 19, 2023: Zoom program for librarians across the country on books to read to prepare for the eclipses (with several other authors); recorded and online through Space Science Institute.


Jan 22, 2024: Did a 90-min webinar for the second cohort of 165 teachers who will be eclipse partners (agents) through the National Science Teaching Association.

Feb. 8, 2024: Did a webinar for science teachers across the country who wanted to learn about the April eclipse and what they can do in and out of the classroom (400 registered) through the NSTA.

Feb. 12, 2024: Did a webinar for the eclipse partners through NSTA (the teachers doing community outreach) with a panel of teachers describing what they did for the Oct. eclipse and suggestions from us about what else teachers can do in their communities.

Mar. 11, 2024: Webinar (with Dennis Schatz, and guest speakers from NASA, ASP, etc.) on what you can still do at the last minute to help with eclipse outreach in your community (audience was the NSTA Eclipse Partner teachers and the SEAL project eclipse experts.) Recorded for those who could not make it live:

4. Written Materials by Andrew Fraknoi and Dennis Schatz

Booklet for libraries and library patrons:

Eclipse Observing Guide for teachers, including handout for each eclipse to distribute to families, friends and other members of the community:

Eclipse Observing Guide for school administrators:

Web page on the eclipses for the National Science Teaching Association (also with Flavio Mendez; uncredited):

Editorial in Education Week:

NSTA Blog Post (August 30, 2023) : Get Ready for the 2023-24 Solar Eclipse “Double-Header” -

NSTA Blog Post (February 26, 2024): The Final Push to Be Ready for the April 8 Solar Eclipse: Ways to Be a Resource to Your Community -

“Get Ready for the Solar Eclipse Double Header” in Homeschooler Parent Magazine, June 2023:

“Making the Most of the Upcoming Eclipse Double-Header” in Science Scope, Jul/Aug. 2023:

“The 2023 and 2024 Eclipse Double-Header: The Perfect Opportunity to Highlight Three-Dimensional Science Learning” in Science Scope, Jul/Aug. 2023:

“Making the Most of the Upcoming Eclipse Double-Header in Science Teacher, Fall 2023:

“The 2023 and 2024 Eclipse Double-Header: The Perfect Opportunity to Highlight Three-Dimensional Science Learning” in Science Teacher, Fall 2023:

5. Presentations by Andrew Fraknoi


Jan. 31, 2023: Talk to the San Francisco Rotary Club (gave out glasses)

May 10, 2023: Talk for the Silicon Valley Astronomy Lectures on the “Eclipse Double-Header” at Foothill College (gave out glasses), recorded on YouTube:

Jun. 23, 2023: Introductory talk on the eclipses for Doc Waller’s Earth & Space Report on YouTube and Cape Ann Community Access TV:

Jul. 3, 2023: Introductory talk on the eclipses for BayCon2023, the Bay Area Science Fiction convention, in Santa Clara, CA.

Jul. 19, 2023: Recorded a Zoom video for all the San Francisco public library staff about the upcoming eclipses, how to answer public questions, and how to help patrons observe them safely. Will be distributed through library’s staff web network.

Aug. 28, 2023: Talk to the Commonwealth Club of California on the two eclipses coming up. Available on YouTube at:

Sep. 21, 2023: Public talk on the upcoming eclipses for the Menlo Park, CA Public Library (attendees ranged from kids to seniors; library gave out glasses)

Sep. 26, 2023: Talk on the upcoming eclipses and report on the Solar Eclipse Activities for Libraries Project, to the staff of the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation (recorded for additional staff to view.)

Sep. 30, 2023: Talk on education and outreach projects for the upcoming eclipses to a plenary session of the American Astronomical Society Solar Eclipse Task Force workshop in San Antonio, Texas (about 180 people registered.)

Oct. 10, 2023: Zoom talk (1 hr) for the Oakland Public Library system on the eclipses, recorded and available free at:

Oct. 12, 2023, recorded (1/2 hour) segment of the Mark Thompson interview show on line about safe viewing of the eclipses:

Oct. 13, 2023: Discussed the eclipses for an hour on KQED Radio’s Forum program (broadcast twice) with host Alexis Madrigal. Recording at:

Oct. 13, 2023: Discussed the eclipses on KGO TV’s Live Midday news program.

Interview with the San Francisco Chronicle:

Interview with the San Jose Mercury News:


Jan. 11, 2024: Did an hour talk on the upcoming April eclipse for the Wonders of the Universe series at the Fromm Institute at the U. of San Francisco (250 people registered)

Jan. 12, 2024: Did a long interview with the science reporter for KQED public radio, helping her prepare stories for the upcoming eclipse. Published on the Web at:

Feb. 6, 2024: Did short radio interview about the Sun and the eclipse on KCBS news-radio in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Feb. 13, 2024: Did interview with education reporter Lauren Barack for several stories she is doing on how the eclipse will be used in the K-12 classroom. For example:

Feb. 16, 2024: Talk on the eclipse to the San Francisco State Retired Faculty Association

Feb. 21, 2024: Recorded interview on the eclipse and society with Nell Greenfield Boyce of National Public Radio, to be used in future stories

Feb. 28, 2024: Recorded 15-min interview on the eclipse for America Changed Forever, a syndicated CBS and Sirius XM news show with Gil Gross

Mar. 5, 2024: Talk on the eclipse for the National Osher Lifelong Learning Institutes Coalition (via Zoom) – over 500 people registered from over 30 different OLLI projects.

Mar. 11, 2024: Talk on the eclipse to the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at San Francisco State and their 60 Plus Group. (Over 100 people registered.)

Mar. 12, 2024: Webinar for the NASA Community College Network on what campuses are doing to prepare for the eclipse, introducing the eclipse and moderating a panel of instructors. Recorded for those who could not make it live:

Mar. 15, 2024: taped a 1-hour episode of the “Grey Matters” podcast with host Michael Krasny all about the eclipse:

Mar. 17, 2024: Zoom Talk on the eclipse for the San Francisco Public Library (170 people registered.) Video at: (Passcode = 8Fhu7$DT )

Mar. 25, 2024: interview with Jack Lee, reporter for the SF Chronicle all about the Apr. 8 eclipse. See article at: (appeared in the Sunday paper, Apr. 8)

Mar. 26, 2024: brief talk to the faculty of the Fromm Institute (gave out info sheet & glasses)

Mar. 27, 2024: Interview about eclipses with the Family Radio Network

Mar. 27, 2024: 1-hour interview about the eclipse with the San Jose Mercury News. Story at:

Mar. 27, 2024: Interview on “eclipse-gear” with a reporter from The New York Post:

Mar. 30, 2024: Short interview about the eclipse on KCBS Radio (with Pat Thurston)

Mar. 31, 2024: Another brief interview about the eclipse on KCBS Radio (with Pat Thurston)

Apr. 2, 2024: Interview about the eclipse on Channel 7 (KGO) Television for San Francisco’s Bay Area.

Apr. 3, 2024: Video interview (30 min) with a reporter with Capital News Service out of the University of Maryland.

Apr. 3, 2024: Half hour interview on Nightside with Dan Rea - WBZ NewsRadio in Boston (heard in many states and on the Web too):

Apr. 4, 2024: Interview on Channel 2 News:

Apr. 6, 2024: Interview about the eclipse on the Your Weekly Dose podcast (about 15 min.)

Apr. 6, 2024: Brief interview about the eclipse with KCBS radio.

Apr. 8, 2024: Was main guest on a one-hour talk show about the eclipse on KQED Radio’s Forum Show:

Apr. 8, 2024: Was on KTVU Channel 2 with a wrap-up of the eclipse:

6. Written Materials by Andrew Fraknoi

Guide to Eclipses in Fiction, Films, Music, Art, and More:

Annotated Guide to Free Online Classroom Activities on the Moon, the Sun, and Eclipses:

Blog Post on the Eclipse at was recommended in the 3-24-2024 issue of the Bay Area Science Calendar.

Short article in The Connector a P-R Magazine:

Other Media Coverage

Post in YTech News:

NASA Mention of my Eclipse Activities Collection: mentions some of my resources:

Apr. 4, 2024 USA Today story on where to get eclipse glasses mentions the Moore Foundation and the libraries project:

7. Presentations by Dennis Schatz


Jul. 21, 2022: One workshop and one presentation at the NSTA summer conference in Chicago, IL.

Aug. 22, 2022: Book Beat presentation for NSTA (virtual presentation)

Oct.15, 2022: Workshop at the WSTA annual conference in Wenatchee. WA.

Oct. 22, 2022: Workshop to preservice teachers at Western Washington University in Bellingham, WA

Oct. 25, 2022: Online Workshop for NISE Net: Kick-Start Your Planning for 2023 and 2024 Solar Eclipse Events 

Oct. 28, 2022: Workshop at West Virginia Science Teachers Association in Charleston, WV.


Jan. 29, 2023: Presentation at AAS Annual Conference in Seattle, WA.

Feb. 23, 2023: Presentation and discussion with JPL Education group, Pasadena, CA.

Mar. 7, 2023: Presentation to BSCS board of directors, Colorado Springs, CO.

Mar. 22, 2023: Presentation at NSELA annual Summit, Atlanta, GA.

Mar. 23, 2023: Workshop at NSTA annual conference, Atlanta, GA.

Jul. 23, 2023: Presentation to the NSTA board and council members via Zoom.

Aug. 30, 2023: Activity station at Northgate Public Library, Seattle, WA.

Sep. 11, 2023: Presentation to State Science Supervisors via Zoom

Sep. 12, 2023: Activity station at South Park Public Library, Seattle, WA.

Sep. 12, 2023: Online Workshop for NISE Net: Kick-Start Your Planning for 2023 and 2024 Solar Eclipse Events 

Sep.14, 2023: Virtual presentation for the STEM Learning Ecosystems national network

Sep. 16, 2023: Presentation and solar viewing at Pacific Science Center.

Sep. 20, 2023: Activity station at Douglas Truth Public Library, Seattle, WA.

Sep. 22, 2023: Activity station at Broadview Public Library, Seattle, WA.

Sep. 23, 2023: Activity station at Northeast Public Library, Seattle, WA.

Sep. 27, 2023: Activity station at Ballard Public Library, Seattle, WA.

Oct. 3, 2023: Activity station at High Point Public Library, Seattle, WA.

Oct. 7, 2023: Two sessions at the ASTC annual conference, Charlotte, NC.

Oct. 13, 2023: Presentation at science education conference, San Angelo, TX.

Oct. 14, 2023: Observing session of annular eclipse in San Angelo, TX.

Oct. 21, 2024: Workshop at the Washington Science Teachers Association in Chehalis, WA.

Oct. 26, 2023: Workshop at the NSTA fall conference in Kansas City, MO.


Jan. 29, 2024: Workshop at the Science Education Council of Ohio (SECO) in Columbus, OH.

Feb. 9, 2024: Panel presentation at the Space Exploration Education Conference (SEEC) in Houston, TX.

Feb. 20, 2024: Workshop at the Hoosier Association of Science Teachers, Inc. (HASTI) conference in Indianapolis, IN.

Feb. 27, 2024: Virtual presentation for teachers in Ohio, offered by the Ohio Department of Education.

Mar. 14, 2024: Virtual presentation for teachers in the Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) that serves 17 states in the SE part of the US.

Mar. 22, 2024: Session at the NSTA national conference in Denver, CO.

8. Written Materials by Dennis Schatz

Summer 2022 – Creation of Solar-Viewing Glass Case for SEAL program (in English and Spanish) -

September/October 2023 – Editorial in Connected Science Learning -

June 2023 – Article for the Washington Science Teachers Association Newsletter

June 2023 – Article in NSELA (National Science Education Leadership Association) Newsletter

Summer 2023 – Commentary for Science Scope – Hurrah for Teachable Moments -

Fall 2023 – Article in NSTA’s Science & Children – The Astronomical Event of the Decade: A Solar Eclipse Double Header in 2023 and 2024 offers the perfect experience to excite early learners (with Anna Hurst, Julia Plummer and Suzanne Gurton) -

Other Media Coverage

Mar. 25, 2024: How Schools Can Turn the Solar Eclipse Into an Unforgettable Science Lesson – An interview of me in Education Week by Education Week reporter, Elizabeth Heubeck -

Mar. 28, 2024 - Interviewed and quoted in ABC News article about the eclipse -

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