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Direct detection of exoplanets with the GRAVITY instrument

Published onJun 01, 2020
Direct detection of exoplanets with the GRAVITY instrument

In March 2019, the GRAVITY collaboration published the first spectrum and astrometry of an exoplanet obtained by optical interferometry. The technique open the door to a sharper view of imaged exoplanets: a better astrometry, and a better spectrum compared to single telescope observations. But how big is the door? What is the accuracy, and what are the limitations of the technique? Most importantly, will this door give access to new planets, colder, closer, than the ones that were previously directly imaged? During this talk, I will present the technique that enabled the high contrast observations. I will discuss the drawbacks and the advantages. From this, I will present the accessible parameter space in contrast versus separation, and its corresponding capabilities in mass versus semi-major axis.

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