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Perturbing DBV white dwarf core composition and its effects on pulsation frequencies

Published onJun 01, 2020
Perturbing DBV white dwarf core composition and its effects on pulsation frequencies

Most stars, 98% by the initial mass function (IMF), in the Milky Way start off with masses below 8 M ⊙ .These stars will become white dwarfs as their final corpse. In general, stars pulsate. Asteroseismology isthe study of stellar oscillations and can reveal the internal stratification of stars. Missions such as Kepler and TESS provide abundant observations of such pulsations. Matching stellar models to theseobservations can constrain the internal structure of the observed stars, and lead to implications about theunderlying physics that are intrinsic to the stars’ evolution history. This work explores how perturbingthe core Oxygen (O) and Carbon (C) abundance in a DBV white dwarf (WD) model affects the producedg-mode (non-radial) frequencies, and compare the obtained results to observation. We further test howchanging the core boundary affects the g-mode frequencies.

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