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Compositing Eclipse Images from the Ground and from Space

Published onJun 01, 2020
Compositing Eclipse Images from the Ground and from Space

We present composite white-light images of the 2 July 2019 total solar eclipse, from the minimum of the solar-activity cycle. With separate high-resolution ground-based images, one of them made of 646 individual images with such a wide field that it exceeds the fields of view of the Naval Research Laboratory's C2 and C3 coronagraphs aboard ESA's Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, we have composites based on observations from the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory and the centerline of totality at La Higuera in Chile. We compare the resolution of the coronal streamers and other magnetic phenomena of the corona. We also show continuity from features on the solar surface as observed from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory and NOAA's GOES-16 Solar Ultraviolet Imager (SUVI). Acknowledgments: JMP's eclipse research receives major support from grant AGS-903500 from the Solar Terrestrial Program, Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences Division, U.S. National Science Foundation. We had additional student support from the Massachusetts NASA Space Grant Consortium; Sigma Xi; the Global Initiatives Fund at Williams College; and the University of Pennsylvania.

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