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An X-ray Analysis of the North Polar Spur with HaloSat

Published onJun 01, 2020
An X-ray Analysis of the North Polar Spur with HaloSat

The North Polar Spur (NPS) is one of the largest and most prominent objects in the X-ray sky. Some believe the NPS to be the X-ray counterpart of the Galactic scale gamma-ray bubbles seen in the Fermi-LAT analysis. Others believe the NPS to be the limb-brightened edge of a nearby super-bubble. We used HaloSat to take a series of moderately well-resolved X-ray spectral observations over the entirety of the bright X-ray emission structure of the NPS. With these observations we probe how the properties of the plasma vary across the object. Here, we will discuss the open questions about the NPS and present our analysis for the X-ray observations.

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