We present new, near-infrared (1.1-2.4 μm) high-contrast imaging of the debris disk around HD 15115 with the Subaru Coronagraphic Extreme Adaptive Optics system (SCExAO) coupled with the CHARIS integral field spectrograph. SCExAO/CHARIS resolves the disk down to ρ ~ 0.15 arcsec (r ~ 7 au), a factor of 3-5 smaller than previous recent studies. We derive a disk position angle consistent with previous work (PA ~ 278.3-279.4°) and an inclination marginally consistent with previous studies (i ~ 85-86°). While recent SPHERE/ZIMPOL imagery of the system suggests a significantly misaligned two ring disk geometry, CHARIS imagery does not reveal conclusive evidence for this. Moreover, exploring models of both one and two ring geometries using the differential evolution algorithm, we find that a single ring having a Hong-like scattering phase function matches the data equally well. The west side of the disk appears on average about 0.8, 0.4, and 0.2 magnitudes brighter at J, H, and K bands between 0.25 and 1 arcsec. Both sides overall exhibit a slightly red color at these angles, in contrast to the blue color reported for regions exterior to ~2 arcsec. Finally, we provide constraints on planetary companions, and discuss possible mechanisms for the observed inner disk flux asymmetry and color.