The XSTAR computer package models spectra from photoionized plasmas and has been widely used in X-ray astronomy for the past 25 years. The high-resolution X-ray calorimeter spectrometer of the joint NASA/JAXA X-ray Imaging and Spectroscopy Mission (XRISM ), to be launched in 2022, has encouraged us to tune up XSTAR to cope effectively with future spectral modeling demands, including time-dependent modeling (see presentation by Saudala). We have been involved since 2001 in the refinement of the XSTAR atomic database by systematically computing parameters (energies for valence and K-vacancy fine-structure levels, transition wavelengths and A-values, radiative and Auger widths, and total and partial photoionization cross sections) to render K-shell processes in cosmic abundant elements (C, N, O, Mg, Si, S, Ar, Ca, and Fe), and more recently, in the trace elements (F, Na, P, Cl, K, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Co, Cu, and Zn). We have also considered high-density effects such as dielectronic recombination suppression and the lowering of the ionization and K thresholds. The time-dependent extensions have led us to revise the core routines of the code and to adopt parallel processing. In this presentation we discuss some of these revisions.