Online learning is the utilization of online lessons and assessments while in a classroom with an instructor. Many instructors utilize online labs and content and guide their students through these during the course of a normal semester. Distance education, on the other hand, utilizes online learning resources but does so without the in-person interaction between teachers and students that occurs in the typical brick and mortar classroom. Although distance education is not new, it has become a necessity due to the crisis precipitated by the Covid-19 virus. Communication in distance education relies on digital sources rather than in-person contact. Slooh is an online learning platform that is available to any user with access to the internet. Slooh offers astronomy education through the control of robotic telescopes, gamified astronomy quests for delivering content, and a community communication and interaction element within private online “clubhouses”. We will examine case studies from select astronomy and astrophysics courses and see how these programs continued their robust teaching and learning practices during complete distance education by utilizing the Slooh interface.