Elmar Bernard Friedrich Brosterhus, former Associate Research Officer at the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory and charter member of the Canadian Astronomical Society (CASCA), died on 26 December 2014. Born on 12 April 1928 in Germany, Brosterhus obtained his PhD in astronomy in 1963 at Hamburg University, completing a thesis on photographic three-color photometry of the M 37 star cluster. His professional interests included astronomical instrumentation and plasma astrophysics. Brosterhus joined Dominion Observatory in 1965, and later was appointed to a research post at Dominion Astrophysical Observatory, Victoria, B.C.
Among his publications are:
• “An Astrometric Reflector for Canada.” Astronomical Journal 71 (1966) 157.
• “A Search for Spectroscopic Binaries from Published Radial Velocity Data.” (with C. L. Morbey) Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 86 (1974) 455-460.
• “A Search for OB associations Near Southern Long-Period Cepheids. I & II.” (with S. van den Bergh and others) Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 50 (1982) 529-549; 53 (1983) 765-790.
• “A Modern Approach to the Assessment of Astronomical Seeing.” Identification, Optimization and Protection of Optical Telescope Sites, Proceedings of an International Conference, held at Flagstaff, AZ, 22-23 May 1986. (1987) 40- 48.